Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council announces 2025 policy priorities


The Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council has announced its 2025 public policy priorities, which include removing barriers and income limits to help people with disabilities be employed, be financially independent and maintain health care coverage. According to a news release, seeking employment puts some Iowans with disabilities at risk of losing health care coverage or supports through Medicaid. “As Iowa’s workforce crisis grows, people with disabilities continue to have to cut back on hours, or deny raises, or they just stay home, because if they earn too much, they can’t get the coverage they need to be able to work,” Carlyn Crowe, public policy manager for the Iowa DD Council, said in a prepared statement. “It’s a catch 22, private insurance doesn’t cover the supports that Medicaid does, but they can’t keep Medicaid if they earn or save more than poverty-level limits.” According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the median earnings for Iowans with disabilities in 2022 was over $15,000 less than the median income of Iowans without disabilities. The council’s other 2025 policy priorities include ensuring that students in public and nonpublic schools receive the education accommodations they need and prioritizing funding for home and community-based services and eliminating wait lists for services. To view the council’s full policy agenda, click here.

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