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Iowa Gives Green opens opportunity to donate to help the environment


A new day of giving has been created to focus on gifts to improve and protect Iowa’s environment. Wednesday, Aug. 4, is Iowa Gives Green day, and it will provide opportunities to donate to local organizations that are working to improve the state’s land, water, air, climate and wildlife. Iowa Gives Green is a collaboration of the Iowa Environmental Council, Iowa Interfaith Power & Light, Iowa Rivers Revival and other environmental and conservation groups. “Iowa Gives Green is an opportunity for Iowans, and those that love our state, to demonstrate their commitment to the Land between — and the water that flows through — America’s two greatest rivers, feeding the world and providing this special place to live, work, and play,” Jordan Bles, the Iowa Environmental Council’s director of fundraising and development, said in a news release. Groups participating in Iowa Gives Green include:

  • Blank Park Zoo
  • Bur Oak Land Trust
  • Conservation Districts of Iowa
  • Friends of Des Moines Parks
  • Great Plains Action Society
  • Iowa’s Coldwater Conservancy
  • Iowa Environmental Council
  • Iowa Interfaith Power & Light
  • Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
  • Iowa Rivers Revival
  • Moms Clean Air Force
  • Prairie Rivers of Iowa
  • Sierra Club Beyond Coal
  • Trees Forever
  • Whiterock Conservancy