Iowa Methodist, UI Hospitals rank high in national list for consumer loyalty


Iowa Methodist Medical Center in Des Moines was one of two Iowa hospitals that were ranked among the top 100 in the country for consumer loyalty by patient experience firm NRC Health. The inaugural annual award recognizes hospitals across the country that garner extraordinary loyalty from their patients. Iowa Methodist was ranked 12th out of the top 100; University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics was ranked No. 8 on the list. The awards were based on a market survey of more than 300,000 consumers in more than 300 markets across the country. The organizations were ranked based on composite scores of seven aspects of brand loyalty. Although 90 percent of the top hospitals named are part of larger networks, only 11 systems had multiple hospitals make the list, leading NRC to conclude that “being part of a larger brand does not guarantee increased consumer loyalty.” To read more about the survey, click here.