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Iowa public health leaders honored with national awards


The American Public Health Association’s Council of Affiliates honored two Iowans as national public health leaders at their 2020 Awards Reception on Saturday. The council represents the body of 53 state and territorial affiliates of APHA. Dr. Amy Hockett, epidemiologist for Linn County Public Health, is the 2020 recipient of the Innovation in Public Health Award. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and immediately following the August derecho, Hockett utilized her epidemiology, Geographic Information System and Tableau expertise to quickly develop tools which were critical for decision-making by public officials. Also, Lina Tucker Reinders, executive director of the Iowa Public Health Association, was named the APHA Affiliate Staff of the Year. Tucker Reinders has been a consistent voice promoting public health evidence and equity in decision-making related to the COVID-19 pandemic, responding regularly to statewide and national journalists. Additional nominees from Iowa include Shelley Horak, for her research on hope as a determinant of health; Deborah Thompson, for her leadership in public health advocacy; and the Iowa Immunization Coalition, for its efforts to protect the health of Iowans through vaccination.