Iowa Women’s Foundation, IEDA announce new position to address child care needs
BPC Staff Jun 14, 2022 | 8:11 pm
1 min read time
245 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Government Policy and Law, Women’s and Gender IssuesThe Iowa Women’s Foundation in partnership with the Iowa Economic Development Authority announced a new full-time position dedicated to helping Iowa businesses develop child care policies for their employees, as part of a recommendation brought forth by Gov. Kim Reynolds’ Child Care Task Force. Sheri Penney will work as the Iowa Women’s Foundation’s employer engagement director. She will help businesses across the state understand the economic impact of child care, assess employee needs and understand solutions outlined in the Iowa Women’s Foundation’s toolkit. The toolkit contains six solutions that “help businesses address the various ways in which a lack of child care affects workforce participation.” Those solutions include flexible work arrangements, flexible spending accounts, subsidized child care, backup child care, on-site child care and off-site child care or nearby partnerships. Penney will also serve as a liaison between regional Child Care Resources and Referral representatives and other partners to connect businesses with resources. Penney was formerly the economic development director for Mitchell County. She also has experience as a child care provider and has previously worked with businesses to find ways to increase access to quality, affordable child care in the community. “Sheri’s expertise provides a unique perspective on the child care shortage as well as how to address it through this new position,” said Dawn Oliver Wiand, CEO of the Iowa Women’s Foundation. “She is a collaborator, a connector and a visionary. We are thrilled to have her join the IWF team.”