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Iowa’s economic index falls


Creighton University’s survey-based index of economic conditions for nine Midwestern states showed Iowa’s score fell to 49.2 in November from October’s 53.5. 

Anything over 50 indicates growth. New orders came in at 46.8, production or sales at 43.7, delivery lead time at 61.9, employment at 37.9, and inventories at 55.5.

“Over the past 12 months the state’s manufacturing sector has lifted hourly wages by 3.2%, seventh in the nine-state region. Agriculture equipment manufacturers are adding jobs at a slow pace, while transportation equipment producers are losing jobs at a measured pace,” said Creighton economist Ernie Goss.

The regional survey suggested the economy is slowing down in this area as the trade war with China continues.

“Slow global growth and trade skirmishes and wars are negatively affecting growth among manufacturers in the region,” Goss said. 

The regional index was 48.6 in November, down from October’s 52.6. 

The survey covers Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, Oklahoma and South Dakota.