Just stop selling


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I’ve had this conversation about four times in recent weeks. All with different people, marketing different products or services. But they all started out the same.

“I’m not closing very many sales. What am I doing wrong?” In digging a little deeper, it was inevitable that what the marketer was doing wrong was pushing for the sale.

People will buy what they decide they want to buy. They will not buy what you’re selling. Your job as a marketer is not to sell. Your job is to help the customers want to buy. A distinct difference.

Sellers talk. They have a pre-ordained speech they offer up to potential customers. They know how to weave in the features. They might even have a favorite customer success story or two to tell. They’ve got a great graph that clearly highlights the superiority of their product over the competitor’s. They’re sincere. They believe in their product and genuinely want to help their customers.

So what’s wrong with that?

One thing is missing: the customers. In that cavalcade of talking, there was very little listening. There weren’t questions asked. For the most part, it could have taken place without the customers being present. And that’s the key word. Present.

To be a good salesperson – which, let’s face it, is what a marketer is – we must be present.

Being present means that you start by listening. And when you’re done listening, you ask a few questions. Which demands more listening. And you repeat that pattern until the customers say one of two things. They either say thank you and goodbye, or they ask if you will sell them your product.

What would happen if you didn’t push for the close but instead let your customers push for it?

Drew McLellan is Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group and blogs at www.drewsmarketingminute.com. He can be reached at Drew@MclellanMarketing.com. © 2010 Drew McLellan

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