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Lawmakers consider changes to absentee voting


State lawmakers are considering changes to Iowa’s absentee voter registration law after discovering some ballots have been thrown out because they aren’t postmarked, IowaWatch reported.

Iowa law says absentee ballots may arrive after an election day if they bear a postmark of up to the day before the scheduled vote.


But a bill that passed the Iowa House 56-41 on March 11 would require that absentee ballots arrive at county auditors’ offices by the time polls close on the election day in order to be counted. An exception would be given to military personnel and their families and others working outside the country who apply for ballots and return them by mail in time to be counted.


A Senate bill says ballots clearly postmarked by the day before an election and received by the elections office by noon the following Monday should be counted, as well as any ballot received by 5 p.m. the day after the election. A decision on whether to vote on the Senate bill or to take up the House bill was pending.

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