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Lessons from last year


The Business Record asked you, our readers, to share what lessons you learned in the last 12 months that others in the business community could benefit from knowing. 

And you provided a wealth of knowledge, experience and ideas that we featured in the Dec. 29 issue; a few are featured below.

Learn from the past
The lesson that rings true for me this year is that the development cycles repeat. This may seem obvious, but many of my peers seem to forget this each time it happens. Real estate developers and their bankers should have their eyes open to the sectors that are showing signs of being in an oversupply situation.

Jake Christensen, president, Christensen Development

Life happens and flexibility matters

This summer my son was unexpectedly hospitalized, and I needed to be by his side. My employer worked with me to create a flexible schedule where I could take the time I needed to care for my son and work during available hours. I learned life happens, but work can be therapeutic. It is important for businesses to realize many parents want to work during these difficult times, but flexibility makes it happen.

Carrie Clogg, director of philanthropy, Kum and Go 

Always expect to seek improvement

Think about disruption: Regardless of how well an organization is run or how great the mousetrap might be, it is incumbent upon all key business participants in our community to seek to be better every day. What worked well yesterday is not necessarily the answer for tomorrow. We must always improve.

Jim Green, principal, Mercer

Continue reading lessons our readers learned in the last 12 months.