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Lift IOWA seeks guest contributors for ’18


Do you have advice or experience to share with aspiring female leaders? Do you have valuable insight applicable to women’s leadership or business ownership? 

If so, Lift IOWA would like you to consider lending your voice through guest opinion pieces written for our weekly e-newsletter.

Since it launched in 2014, Lift IOWA’s goal has been to connect, inform and inspire Iowa’s most engaged females and the men who support them. Our mission is to elevate and highlight topics and issues pertaining to female leadership and business ownership throughout the state. Keeping these goals and Lift IOWA’s audience in mind, guest contributors should write about topics they know and issues they’re passionate about, all while contributing to the greater conversation surrounding women’s leadership.

Guest contributors can also write as often as they like. Some write several times each year, some only once. 

If interested, email Lift IOWA Contributing Editor Megan VerHelst atmeganverhelst@bpcdm.com. Be sure to tell us what topics you wish to write about and how often you’d like to contribute.

Still need an idea of what we’re looking for? Check out last week’s roundup of a few of our favorite guest opinions of 2017. Read more