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Lift IOWA – Women In The News: 2-17-20



A popular downtown Cedar Rapids gathering place will be closing its doors next month as owner and self-styled “top chickadee” Brooke Fitzgerald flies off in search of new horizons.

Sara Gotch, the founder of Gnarly Pepper, has learned many lessons on her entrepreneurial journey, but one of the most important was also among the simplest: Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Erica Cole, founder of No Limbits, opened a new office in Iowa City. See photos from her open house.

After nearly nine years of business in the Ames community, Random Goods is closing its doors on Main Street for good. According to the vintage consignment and costuming store’s owner, Cheryl Gleason, it’s ending on a very happy note.


For the 20th anniversary of their foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates announced that gender equity will officially be a prominent issue in the organization’s work going forward.

On Feb. 6, after 328 days in space, astronaut Christina Koch returned to Earth after completing the longest single spaceflight by a woman.

The U.S. men’s soccer team players association, in the midst of negotiations with the U.S. Soccer Federation over a new collective-bargaining agreement, on Wednesday called on the federation to pay the U.S. women’s team “significantly more” than the men were paid under their recently expired deal.

For the first time, the top 16 law review journals are helmed by only women.