LSI resettles 722 refugees, Special Immigrant Visa holders in Iowa in 2024

Lutheran Services in Iowa says its immigrant and refugee resettlement program found placement for 722 refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders in Iowa for the federal fiscal year 2024. Nationwide, the human services nonprofit has resettled 100,000 people, a news release said. The Special Immigrant Visa program resettles individuals from Afghanistan or Iraq who worked as translators, interpreters or other professionals employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government in Iran and Iraq, the release said. “LSI was founded by immigrants in 1864, and our mission to welcome new neighbors continues to thrive as we resettle refugees today,” said Renee Hardman, LSI president and CEO, in a prepared statement. “But we don’t do this alone — our dedicated network of community stakeholders is critical to meeting this humanitarian need while fostering economic growth in Iowa as people join the workforce and contribute to our communities in a multitude of ways.” LSI’s immigrant and refugee resettlement services include employment case management, housing, mental health services, English language learning (ELL) classes, financial education, small-business training and LSI Global Greens, which connects former refugees with opportunities to grow and sell food. LSI provides initial resettlement services in the Des Moines, Sioux City and Waterloo regions and additional services statewide.

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