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Mercy warns of infection risk for open-heart surgery patients


Mercy Medical Center – Des Moines is notifying open-heart surgery patients of a possible infection risk associated with heater-cooler devices used with heart-lung machines. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last fall issued a national health advisory about a possible infection risk associated with the devices. Mercy said it implemented the CDC’s new recommendations for disinfection of the devices following that advisory, but has since become aware that two patients have been diagnosed with related infections. Patients who had other heart procedures such as stents, pacemakers, defibrillators and ablations, are not at risk. Mercy has sent letters to approximately 2,600 patients who underwent open-heart surgeries over the past four years. Patients can get additional information by visiting a webpage that contains information and resources or by calling a toll-free nurse call center at 800-563-0662.