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New blog will analyze gender in Iowa politics


In preparation for the 2020 presidential election, the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women in Politics last week launched a blog that will look at candidates campaigning in Iowa through a gendered lens.

On June 3, the Catt Center at Iowa State University launched the Navigating Gender in Iowa blog. With six women running for president of the United States, Karen Kedrowski, director of the Catt Center, said in a release we are at “the crossroads of a historical moment.”

Kelly Winfrey, assistant professor of journalism and research and outreach coordinator for the Catt Center, said in the release that with the Iowa caucuses, the state is uniquely positioned to get a view of each candidate and gauge Iowans’ reactions to them.

On the blog, Catt Center scholars and other commentators will post at regular intervals during the caucus campaign season and into the general election. Contributors will also respond to newsworthy developments as they happen.

Presidential candidates will not be the only politicians observed, the release said. The blog will also offer insight to state and federal candidates.

To view the blog, click here