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New ‘This is Iowa’ marketing campaign emphasizes quality of life

Gov. Kim Reynolds today announced a new state marketing campaign to encourage people from across the nation to visit, live and work in Iowa. 

The campaign, “This is Iowa,” is designed to spur economic growth by emphasizing the state’s quality of life. A video released today shows New York residents realizing how Iowa is not only cost-effective, but home to modern amenities, short commutes, and award-winning recreation and culture.

“Iowa is the best place in America to live, work, and raise a family,” Reynolds said in a release. “With the entire country struggling to attract and train a quality workforce, Iowa has taken the lead in addressing this challenge holistically. This is Iowa will raise awareness to the numerous opportunities that exist to establish careers, raise families and have new experiences. There has never been a better time to tell our story and to encourage both businesses and people to make Iowa their home.”

Market research commissioned by the Iowa Economic Development Authority shows about two-thirds of travelers seriously consider moving to a new place after visiting. However, most people are unable to relocate without having a job lined up, preferably in an industry with growth potential, and most do not associate Iowa with cutting-edge careers or quality of life attributes like recreational or cultural activities.

IEDA Director Debi Durham said the campaign will challenge people’s expectations and increase awareness of the benefits of traveling and doing business in the state. 

The campaign will include a variety of communication channels including advertising, social media, digital and influencer outreach. It will target audiences both inside and outside the state.