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NOTEBOOK: Ankling for a story


The Business Record newsroom employs no fashion plates, other than Newsroom Operations Manager John Retzlaff (but that’s a story for another day).

But we are observant journalists enough to know that when we recently interviewed four experts on the local retail real estate sector, we were seeing some of the most fashionable ankles to visit the Depot on Fourth.

Well-heeled panelists included: Tim Leach, senior vice president of downtown development for the Greater Des Moines Partnership; Tyler Dingel, senior vice president with CBRE|Hubbell Realty; Christopher Stafford, senior vice president with NAI Optimum; and Jake Christensen, president and founder of Christensen Development.

These four opted for dandy prints of stripes and swirls and blue, artsy bubbles on a gray-blue pattern.

Senior staff writer Kent Darr and I showed up in classic brown and black cotton socks.

FYI: Not all journos bear boring foot coverings. Business Record Publisher Chris Conetzkey is known to sport some fine footwear under his shoes. 

Another FYI: The sock-sy Area Real Estate Magazine comes out in late April.

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