AABP EP Awards 728x90

NOTEBOOK: ‘Do something that truly matters’


Kathryn Kunert, the MidAmerican Energy exec named this year’s Forty Under 40 Alumnus of the Year, had a confession at the reception honoring this year’s class (which brought the total number of honorees to 800).

She recalled that when she was named to the Forty Under 40 Class of 2002, “I didn’t have a clue what I was doing back then,” she said with a chuckle. “There are many times today when I still don’t have a clue.”

But through the support her family and friends and her own hard work, Kunert became of one MidAmerican’s top Iowa staffers, officially its vice president of economic connections and integration. 

“There is so much potential in this room.” she said. “This is really a good launching pad.”

Kunert said this year’s nominees are positioned for continued success, but there is more to this. “Because while you matter, and there’s a lot about you that makes a difference, it’s the greater whole that you all have to think about. If you think about the the greater whole, you will be so successful moving forward.

“Make sure you remember where you came from, hold yourself accountable, and associate yourself with those who will also hold you accountable.”
Kunert also urged the latest Forty class to handle setbacks gracefully.
“In order to be successful, part of that is how to learn to pick up after mistakes. Know how to pick yourself up and make sure you learn from those challenges so they are opportunities.”

She told this year’s winners to be honest, to hold themselves accountable and to keep their eye on the greater good.

“This is your opportunity to really start to do something that really matters.”

See the whole ceremony: http://bit.ly/2UhRFvH