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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Are corporations supporting dual-career couples?


Are companies mindful of dual-career couples? Jennifer Petriglieri, an associate professor of organizational behavior at INSEAD and author of “Couples That Work,” believes that corporate blind spot is harmful in the talent war and talked with Bloomberg about the kinds of policies and support couples seek in dual careers. “Who we’re marrying is very different. If a company 20, 30 years ago hired a top talent, the reality was their partner probably wasn’t top talent. They may be stay-at-home, they may have a job on the side. That’s completely changed,” Petriglieri said. “Today if a company hires a top talent, it’s almost certain their partner is also the same ambition level, the same education level, the same potential. … Companies really haven’t wised up to this. They still treat top talent as if they’re somebody who’s going to have a support crew behind them. That really isn’t the case anymore.” Read more