NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Celebrating the women of Black History Month
EMILY BARSKE Feb 15, 2021 | 9:28 pm
1 min read time
163 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookThe opening line of a recent Chrysalis newsletter covering Black History Month is really powerful: “It’s tough to imagine being something you have never seen.” In the newsletter, Eugenia Kutsch Stanton, president of the Chrysalis Foundation board, and Bridget Cravens Neely, who is a Chrysalis board member and also serves on the Business Record’s racial equity advisory board, talk about what it was like watching the inauguration of Vice President Kamala Harris. “Our new vice president continues the legacy of Black women whose contributions have been essential to our democracy,” they say. “She follows the trail built by thousands of women over the decades – breaking barriers, challenging the status quo, fighting for equality – who must be recognized and revered. And Black History Month is the perfect time to recognize the accomplishments of these women, who organized, boycotted, strategized and built coalitions. Yet they remain largely overlooked in our history books, which tend to chronicle the accomplishments of more well-known Black men.”