NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Child care providers face a variety of challenges heading into 2022
BPC Staff Jan 21, 2022 | 4:46 pm
<1 min read time
102 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, The Insider NotebookFearless Editor Emily Kestel recently published a two-partseries looking at child care issues across the state. So it wasn’t a surprise to me to see the Marshalltown Times-Republican reporting that local providers are facing challenges this year. “It’s kind of a Catch-22, because if you want child care to be less expensive, you can’t pay your people as well, and you get what you pay for. If you want quality, good staff, you have to pay for those guys,” said Lisa Hines, owner of the Little Scholars Learning Center. The local chamber of commerce is working to help address the problem.