NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: COVID-19 vaccines could become mandatory. Here’s how it might work.
EMILY BARSKE Aug 21, 2020 | 4:19 pm
<1 min read time
108 wordsAll Latest News, Business Record Insider, Health and Wellness, The Insider NotebookA Facebook friend of mine, a scientist who works with vaccinations, shared a recent story about the COVID-19 vaccination (once one becomes widely available) that I found interesting the other day. Some experts foresee a world in which you’ll need to show you’ve been inoculated against the novel coronavirus to attend a sports game, get a manicure, go to work, hop on a train or do any number of daily activities, reports National Geographic. Policies would not be far off from schools requiring students to have certain vaccinations, the experts believe, but this time it could be a widely accepted mandate for both public and private institutions.