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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Get to know your trans co-workers


Bloomberg Businessweek interviewed nine transgender individuals for this week’s Equality Issue. All of the people Bloomberg spoke to struggled in a work environment that wasn’t necessarily ready for them, Bloomberg wrote, but many of them had stories of support and success across a diverse range of industries. Take a peek at a sampling of the wildly varied experiences — and revisit our Feb. 15 interview with One Iowa on serving transgender employees with thoughtful company policy: 
“I wasn’t there to be a trans person. I was there to be a writer and to manage writers.”
“My manager didn’t believe in gay people but did believe in trans people.”
“On my fourth day I introduced myself to someone using my pronouns, and they said they didn’t know what that meant, so they weren’t going to use them.”
“If I had known I would have gotten this reception, I would have begun my coming-out process much sooner.”