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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Have you ever asked?


Diversity and inclusion are core values of our team at Business Publications Corp. and may be values for all of you as well. In a staff training with Des Moines-based Tero International this fall, we discussed that holding those values doesn’t preclude us from bias. In fact, if we want to truly be inclusive, we have to recognize our unconscious bias and firmly stand against any acts of prejudice. Right now, rates of discrimination among Asain Americans have soared due to the coronavirus and bias toward these groups. Tero recently shared a piece about this issue and a writer, Cathy Park Hong, who spoke out about this. Deborah Rinner – vice president and chief learning officer at Tero International – writes: “Have you ever talked with someone about their experiences with prejudice? All too often the subject and experiences remain shuttered. I am thankful Cathy Park Hong spoke out in her article. And I wonder, would I have thought to ask her, if she were a neighbor, friend or co-worker what this time was like for her?” Read more