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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Is Zoom’s UX sexist?


We shared a story earlier in the week from the New York Times about how women are experiencing higher rates of Zoom fatigue. So I nearly scrolled past this Fast Company piece yesterday when I opened its newsletter because I thought it was just rehashing the same details. But then the following caption caught my eye: “A new study shows that women are more likely to experience Zoom fatigue than men. And the platform’s self-view mirror is to blame.” A Stanford professor who conducted research on the issue says because of Western cultural ideals that have placed so much emphasis on women’s appearances, it makes total sense that forcing women to constantly see themselves can have worse psychological effects than it does on men. At the beginning of the pandemic, I remember thinking how strange it was to constantly see myself when I was meeting with people, but then it just became second nature. So yesterday, I decided to turn off my self view – and it was very refreshing. Give it a try – if you don’t do it already – and let me know if you see any differences yourself! (You can email me at emilybarske@bpcdm.com.)