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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Learning more about ‘The Inventor’

Elizabeth Holmes’ name should sound familiar if you keep track of business or tech news. The founder and CEO of Theranos, a much-hyped health diagnostics company, had a vision for how to disrupt the health care system, to the point that she believed she could make it still work despite failures in her labs and warnings from her employees. The HBO documentary “The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley” includes interviews from some of the key players who helped reveal the alleged fraud at the company, such as the whistleblower who wrote to the FDA and the Wall Street Journal reporter who chipped away at the story. I’ve read plenty of news stories about Holmes and Theranos over the years, but this two-hour documentary tries to answer the question of how a young and driven woman, a self-made billionaire, came to get hundreds of millions invested in her company. The documentary expands its view by also asking hard questions about the need to stay competitive among Silicon Valley startups. There is also a podcast on this topic, “The Dropout,” that I have not checked out, and a best-seller, “Bad Blood,” by the WSJ reporter. Holmes faces wire fraud charges; she has pleaded not guilty. Here’s a trailer to the documentary. Here’s a link to the podcast.