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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ States and cities slow to spend federal pandemic money


The American Rescue Plan, passed in March, allotted $350 billion to be divided among local and state governments, and this Associated Press article reports many are still working on what to do with their share. And there’s not a big rush — states have until 2024 to make spending commitments and until 2026 to actually spend the money. Based on reports that states, counties and cities submitted to the Treasury Department, we can expect the vast majority of the money to be spent down the line. Gene Sperling, White House American Rescue Plan coordinator, said having funds left over or saving them for future needs was the administration’s intent so that they have “longer-term fire power to ensure a durable and equitable recovery.” Missouri Gov. Mike Parson is planning for the long term with only one proposal in place to put $400 million toward broadband expansion. “We want to try to find things that are going to benefit Missouri not just next year or the year after, but 10 or 20 years down the road,” budget director Dan Haug said.