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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: The college president who simply won’t raise tuition


One university president refuses to raise tuition, the Atlantic reports. The story details Purdue University President Mitch Daniels’ persistence to freeze tuition and still balance the budget through other means. When I was working at the Iowa State Daily, tuition hikes – and their implications on students attending Iowa’s three regent universities  were one of the top issues we covered. And those hikes were often discussed as inevitable, not as an option. So what do you do when that option is simply off the table? You make ends meet in other ways, Daniels argues. The predictably flat tuition attracted more students, creating a larger student body that brought in increased revenue, which allowed for the hiring of more and higher-quality faculty, whose research the university could profitably license to the private sector, where alumni, delighted at the celebrated achievements of their alma mater, helped increase donations by 136% over six years, which in turn has helped keep the freeze in place.