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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: The workcation is changing — and taking one can boost your business


Summer is in full swing, and chances are (hopefully) you have had a chance to take a vacation and get a little R&R. If you’re like me, sometimes those vacations are actually planned as workcations — with some light poolside emailing being a part of my plan that allows me to get out of the office yet still stay a bit plugged in. I like that flexibility. But I recently read about how entrepreneurs are redefining the meaning of “workcation.” From the piece, at Entrepreneur.com: “This brand of a workcation is about much more than a change of scenery or luxury packaged as work. It’s a way to focus exclusively on big-­picture problems, harness creativity, and walk away with a clear, fresh vision on how to better run your company.” And apparently, researchers who have looked at the trend say these types of escapes can have “genuine psychological and business value.” Here’s how: “For example, a workcation can boost creativity by immersing people ‘into a different idea landscape of thoughts, emotions, perceptions and goals,’ says Wilma Koutstaal, a psychology professor at the University of Minnesota and co-author of ‘Innovating Minds: Rethinking Creativity to Inspire Change.’ ‘Studies show that people who are more networked innovate more regularly, because they have access to all these different skills and knowledge possibilities.’” Winter is never too far away; perhaps it’s time to start perusing AirBnb locations in the tropics.

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