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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: U.S. Global Leadership Coalition leader shares views


The Hill ran an opinion piece this week that juxtaposed an unlikely trio of names in the headline. The piece, “Elton John, Vladimir Putin and my last conversation with Colin Powell,” was written by Liz Schrayer, president and CEO of the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition, who reflects on how Powell may have viewed America’s position in the world amid the Ukraine invasion. “As the crisis deepens, the invasion of Ukraine is not just a moral crisis for the world, but also has a profound impact on us as Americans,” Schrayer wrote. “For Powell — who served as the chair of my organization for nearly 16 years — U.S. global leadership wasn’t a Republican or a Democratic issue, but instead, it was an American issue.” The USGLC’s two boards bring together executives from some of the nation’s top businesses and nonprofits who support strengthening America’s international affairs programs. Read more to see how Elton John is part of the piece.