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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: US civil rights enforcers warn employers against biased AI


The U.S. Justice Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission jointly issued guidance to employers last week around ensuring hiring tools using artificial intelligence are not discriminating against people with disabilities. This Associated Press article reports that popular AI screening tools used for hiring include resume scanners, employee monitoring software that ranks workers based on keystrokes, game-like online tests to assess job skills, and video interviewing software that measures a person’s speech patterns or facial expressions. Where skills tests are required is where the concern lies that these tools will affect the chances of a person with disabilities receiving a job without the employer having all the facts. Charlotte Burrows, chair of the EEOC, said there needs to be a middle ground for AI where the technology can still streamline the recruiting process without allowing discrimination. To ensure accountability of vendors that make these tools, University of North Carolina law professor Ifeoma Ajunwa said that on the federal level, that effort would have to involve a different agency like the Federal Trade Commission.