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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: What’s better than 1 good read? 11 good reads


Business Record readers likely know by know that data-journalism news site FiveThirtyEight.com is one of my favorite sources to read. At the end of 2017, I spent much of my 40-plus-hour holiday car ride to and from Florida diving into a collection of 11 stories that FiveThirtyEight highlighted from across the web. The stories ranged from a fact-based breakdown of the gender pay gap, a fun look at the differing strategies of Google and Apple maps, a story that explored the overlooked reality that as women go to jail in record numbers nobody is watching their kids, and a disturbing on-the-ground report that highlighted the communication gap that is pushing us dangerously close to the edge with North Korea. All are pretty meaty reads to lose yourself in. Here’s the full list of 11 stories.