NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: What’s the FDA’s perspective on food safety and availability?


With reports of COVID-19 outbreaks among workers at Midwest meatpacking plants, it raises the question of how safe our food supply really is, and how concerned we should be about coronavirus being spread through food. At the same time, there are reports of food plants closing because of illnesses and farmers dumping milk and plowing under crops because their customers, including restaurants and schools, have been closed by social distancing mandates. Will these actions lead to food shortages? And the FDA has been assuring the American public that the food supply is safe. At the same time, routine surveillance inspections of farms and food facilities have been postponed. So how does the agency know that food is safe? Here is an interview posted Thursday by the FDA with Frank Yiannas, the agency’s deputy commissioner for Food Policy and Response, who addresses these and other questions about the state of the U.S. food supply, both now and beyond this public health crisis.