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NOTEBOOK: That’s true for you


Quite possibly one of the most interesting things about being human is that we all have our own experiences that shape how we view the world. Izaah Knox, executive director of Urban Dreams, touched on this during the panel. He said to be inclusive, we have to accept that people have experiences we do not and cannot understand. Why? Because we aren’t in their shoes. 

I found his perspective interesting when he framed it this way: what’s true for you may not be true for someone else. How many times have you shared something that upset you only to have the person respond with something like “well I’m sure that’s not what was meant?” Responding that way is not only dismissive, but it makes the other person slam the brakes and go into defensive mode. The last thing anyone who is upset needs is someone telling them they have nothing to be upset about. 

It’s a lesson we could all learn from, especially as we work to create a more inclusive community. One of my favorite sayings is from “Walk Two Moons” by Sharon Creech, “Don’t judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins.” And since none of us can really be in the shoes of another, it’s best we focus more on offering support rather than passing judgment.

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