NOTEBOOK: Who’s in the July 31 issue?
BPC Staff Jul 30, 2020 | 4:24 pm
<1 min read time
88 wordsAll Latest News, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookHere’s a list of local people in the July 31 issue of the Business Record and the page number of the article in which they are mentioned. Members can read all of this week’s stories at and can access the digital version of the paper by clicking here.
Dave Duncan, 4
Joe Gatto, 22
Naomi Hamlett, 22
Jennifer James, 4
Amy Jennings, 11
McKenzie Kielman, 11
Eugenia Kutsch-Stanton, 11
John Paul Muelhaupt, 22
Darren Rebelez, 8
Sharina Sallis, 11
Tom Sands, 4
Jessi Steward McQuerry, 11
Dave Stone, 4