NOTEBOOK: ‘Y’ aren’t there more swimmers at the new downtown pool?


After waiting for years with dry swim goggles along with other eager Greater Des Moines YMCA members for the new downtown pool to finally open, I thought I could wait a few weeks before attempting to do some laps, figuring that the initial rush might resemble the Des Moines Triathlon. So when I went for the first time a few weeks ago — just before 5 p.m. on a Thursday after work — I was amazed that I was the only person there to swim laps. The lanes have been equally and enjoyably uncrowded the past few times I’ve gone at different times of the day — mostly around the noon hour and after work, when you think it might be the most popular. Yet I realize that the facility gets a tremendous workout from numerous school competitions that are booked there, as I found firsthand when I couldn’t swim because a meet was underway. Looking at the sedate lap-swim usage, perhaps the usual downtown swimmers who had used the old Riverpoint Y moved on to other Y pools or fitness clubs. Or maybe they’ve been like me and were waiting for the rush to die down. Either way, I can advise you that the water’s fine. Come enjoy the Y’s downtown aquatic jewel with me.