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Obama to fix roads with new taxes on overseas corporate profits


President Barack Obama will use his budget plan to propose spending $478 billion on America’s roads, bridges and mass transit systems, with half of that steep bill financed by new taxes on U.S. corporate profits that are squirreled away overseas, White House officials said, CNNMoney reported.


The infrastructure push comes as the president is set to unveil his 2016 budget in a speech today at the Department of Homeland Security in Washington. Both Republicans and Democrats have cited transportation needs as well as tax reform as priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.


Still, the White House tax proposal aimed at foreign profits for U.S. companies is far more ambitious than what GOP lawmakers, now in control of Congress, are likely to approve.


Continuing the Obama administration’s efforts to crack down on foreign tax shelters, the White House proposal would put in place a one-time 14 percent transition tax on the foreign earnings already accumulated overseas.

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