Oct. 10: What You Need to Know About GDPR


Host: Association for Women in Communications Greater Des Moines
About: GDPR — Four letters striking fear, or at least a little confusion, into the hearts of marketing professionals everywhere. To help ease the confusion, AWC Greater Des Moines is hosting an information-packed workshop, “General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — What You Should Know Now and For the Future.” The GDPR standardizes data protection law across all 28 EU countries and imposes strict new rules on controlling and processing personally identifiable information. The rules affect those in the United States communicating with customers in the EU. Many experts feel the same or similar regulations will soon become law in the United States. Brian McCormac, Thomas Story and Caitlin Andersen, attorneys with the BrownWinick Law Firm in Des Moines, will share information on what companies should be doing now and in the future for collecting and storing customer data. They will also cover best practices for privacy policies. In addition, Megan Howard, manager of information security with Pratum, will share the best methods for protecting against data breaches. 
When: 8-10 a.m.
Where: BrownWinick
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