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Participation in Iowa’s labor force continues to rise


More than 1.59 million Iowans were employed in July, up slightly from June’s civil labor force of 1.65 million, Iowa Workforce Development reported today.

However, despite the 5,700 increase in the number of Iowans in the workforce, the state’s seasonally adjusted monthly unemployment rate rose to 4.1% in July. In June, it was 4.0%; in July 2020, the state’s unemployment rate was 10.2%.

Highlights from today’s release about July unemployment data:

Number of nonfarm jobs in Iowa: 1,532,800, up from 1,525,400 in June. A year ago, the state had 1,486,700 nonfarm jobs.

Number of leisure and hospitality jobs: 132,800, up from 129,100 in June. A year ago, the state had 116,500 jobs in the industry.

Number of construction jobs: 75,500, up slightly from 75,200 in June and also 75,200 in July 2020.

Number of manufacturing jobs: 222,900, up slightly from 222,800 in June. A year ago, the state had 212,900 jobs in the industry.

Number of unemployed Iowans: 67,400. In June, 66,600 were unemployed; 99,600 were unemployed in July 2020.

Number of unemployment insurance claims: 8,362, down from the 9,595 new claims filed in June. In July 2020, 36,935 new claims were filed.

Unemployment insurance paid: $22.8 million was paid to unemployed Iowans from the state’s unemployment compensation trust fund. In July 2020, the state paid unemployed Iowans $159.8 million.

U.S. unemployment rate: 
5.4%; in June it was 5.9%.