Partnership to focus on placemaking with new VP position


The Greater Des Moines Partnership has created a position to focus on placemaking and downtown events. The deadline to apply is Jan. 10. The vice president of placemaking and events will be responsible for raising funds for all Greater Des Moines Partnership downtown events and providing oversight and execution of those events, according to the job description. The individual will work with the Partnership’s communications and marketing staff to ensure downtown events are marketed regularly, among other tasks. Tiffany Tauscheck, chief operations officer at the Partnership, said focusing on placemaking is important as more and more people are choosing where to live and work. “In a connected world … it is more important than ever to create a unique sense of place where people want to live,” she said. “This is why placemaking is such an important talent development and economic development strategy.” She said investment in placemaking will be a driving factor for future growth. The new position redefines and elevates an existing open position to meet opportunities created by the increase in placemaking projects and initiatives in the community, Tauscheck said.