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Polk County housing organization gets $750K grant


The Polk County Housing Trust Fund received a grant of $750,960 from the Iowa Finance Authority. That award was part of $7.4 million in grants to 25 local housing trust funds to support affordable housing for 2,600 families. The Dallas County Local Housing Trust Fund Inc. received $204,203. “The Local Housing Trust Fund awards are leveraging an additional $3.3 million in local contributions, which is a testament to the shared commitment to provide Iowans with a place they can be proud to call home,” Iowa Finance Authority Executive Director Dave Jamison said in a statement. The grants are typically used to preserve housing, subsidize local down payment assistance programs, provide low-interest loans or grants for home rehabilitation, finance new construction, or support housing for persons with disabilities. Read Kent Darr’s take on Central Iowa’s debate over affordable housing at BusinessRecord.com (Insider).