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Prevent Child Abuse Iowa to pilot workplace program


Prevent Child Abuse Iowa has been awarded a $50,000 Community Development Grant for its Connections Matter program from the Polk County Board of Supervisors. The funding will support the development of curriculum specific to the business sector aimed at improving employee well-being through social engagement and mental health supports. Prevent Child Abuse Iowa will pilot the project at Des Moines businesses over the next several months, the nonprofit said. Pilot sites will focus on understanding the impact of toxic stress and childhood trauma on adult mental and physical health. Businesses will also explore practical approaches to building social engagement in the workplace, a key factor in building resilience and mental health support. The grant will also support offering the curriculum in Spanish. The public is invited to a presentation ceremony on Oct. 25 at 3:30 p.m. at McGowen, Hurst, Clark & Smith PC, 1601 West Lakes Parkway, Suite 300, West Des Moines. A brief presentation will take place at 4 p.m. and light refreshments will be provided.

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