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PROJECT UPDATE: Bergman Academy Student Activity Center


Bergman Academy is proposing to construct a student activity center (above) at its school in Greenwood Park. The school is in a building that previously housed the Science Center of Iowa. The insets show what the property currently looks like. The rendering below shows the front entry into the school and the proposed activity center. Renderings by ID8 Architects PLC.

WHAT: 10,300-square-foot activity center at Bergman Academy
WHERE: 100 45th St., in Des Moines’ Greenwood Park
ARCHITECT: iD8 Architects PLC
PROJECT VALUE: $3.1 million
BACKGROUND and UPDATE: Bergman Academy, a private secular preschool through eighth grade school, received approval this week from Des Moines’ Urban Design Review Board for the design of an activity center at its school in Greenwood Park.

The approval, though, came with a request from the board for trees that will be removed in the construction area to mostly be replaced with other similar hardwood trees.

Several hickory and oak trees must be removed to make way for the activity center, the board was told. Many of the 25 replacement trees were proposed to be ornamental flowering trees.

“I feel when you lose that oak canopy like we’re losing, we’ve got to replace that in a similar manner,” board member Brian Clark said. Other board members agreed. If necessary, the new hardwood trees could be planted throughout the park instead of next to the school, they said.

The exterior of the activity center will include precast concrete panels in various hues of gray and brick accents.

Construction is expected to begin in mid-2021 after the completion of a fundraiser.

In 2008, Bergman moved into the facility that previously had housed the Science Center of Iowa. The facility had been vacant for about three years before Bergman began leasing it from the city.

– By Kathy A. Bolten

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Bergman Academy plans $3.1 million addition to school in Greenwood Park

A Commercial Real Estate Weekly feature in which we update the status of projects underway in the Greater Des Moines area. Want to include an update about your project or suggest a project to include? Email: kathybolten@bpcdm.com.