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Recommended reads to start your week

You know it’s truly summertime when you start reading articles about the high court justices’ break coming up. We should expect headlines from the U.S. Supreme Court this week. That was one headline that caught my attention Sunday afternoon.

Here are a few others that you may find interesting or entertaining.

The New York Times last week had an eye-opening story on pregnancy discrimination at U.S. companies. It included this excerpt: “American companies have spent years trying to become more welcoming to women. They have rolled out generous parental leave policies, designed cushy lactation rooms and plowed millions of dollars into programs aimed at retaining mothers. But these advances haven’t changed a simple fact: Whether women work at Walmart or on Wall Street, getting pregnant is often the moment they are knocked off the professional ladder.” So it was with some interest that I found this headline: US Open seeding protocol will now consider pregnancies, USTA president says.

From Iowa media outlets, there were also a few thoughtful items. The Cedar Rapids Gazette continues its Iowa Ideas series and had a piece on worker shortage and health care issues.

The Mason City Globe-Gazette 
profiled a local manufacturer and its efforts to recruit and retain workers, such as ensuring a strong relationship with technical programs.