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REG, IRFA praise federal biodiesel tax credit extension


Renewable Energy Group Inc., the Ames-based biofuels producer, today praised the federal biodiesel tax credit extension. On Friday, President Donald Trump signed legislation that included a retroactive reinstatement and extension of the $1 per gallon Biodiesel Tax Credit from Jan. 1, 2018, through Dec. 31, 2022. “Friday’s news represents a big win for the environment, for agriculture and for U.S. motorists. For too long the biomass-based diesel industry has been held back from showing its real potential due to the recurring uncertainty around the BTC,” REG’s President and CEO CJ Warner said in a statement. “Now, thanks to the work of biodiesel champion lawmakers, we can accelerate our strategy and further deliver at scale the enormous benefits of biodiesel and renewable diesel.”  The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association also praised the extension, calling it “much-needed good news in rural America.” The agreement between the U.S. Senate and House leadership followed negotiations led by Sen. Chuck Grassley to extend the tax credit retroactively for 2018 and 2019 and through 2022. The credit has been expired since December 2017.