Reynolds: Expand Pell Grant program for more short-term certificates


Gov. Kim Reynolds wants the U.S. Department of Education to expand the federal Pell Grant program to provide funds for more students enrolled in short-term certificate programs for high-demand fields. Although short-term training programs are typically designed in response to industry needs to lead directly to in-demand jobs, students are not always eligible for them if they don’t meet Pell’s requirements on program length, according to the governor’s office. “Changing how the Pell grant can be used is another way we can help 127,700 Iowans earn postsecondary credentials in order to meet our Future Ready Iowa goal of 70 percent of our workforce having education or training beyond high school by 2025,” Reynolds said in a release. The governor and Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg were joined during a Monday news conference by leaders from Iowa community colleges, students, employers and the National Skills Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring people have the skills they need to compete.