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Safe at Home program offered to dentists’ offices statewide


Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is partnering with dental offices across the state to raise awareness of Safe at Home, an address confidentiality program for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking and stalking. Safe at Home booklets, brochures and magnets were mailed to dentists in all 99 counties. They are encouraged to prominently display these materials and share program information with patients. “Dentists, hygienists, and other dental professionals are uniquely positioned to offer support to victims of abuse or neglect, and this program helps Iowans get the support they need,” said Dr. Nathan Hehr, president of the Iowa Dental Association. The program, administered by the Iowa secretary of state’s office, currently serves more than 600 participants across 62 counties. Requests for complimentary brochures, posters, removable stickers or other program materials for businesses or agencies can be made by contacting SafeatHome@iowa.gov.

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