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Safe & Thriving Youth Initiative aims to reduce youth violence in Central Iowa


A community-led coalition, convened by United Way of Central Iowa, has initiated the Safe & Thriving Youth initiative to address youth violence in Central Iowa. The coalition aims to develop a comprehensive plan for sustainable prevention while addressing the immediate needs of at-risk youth. “This is a critical undertaking for our community,” said Jacquie Easley, a member of the initiative’s steering committee. “As Central Iowa continues to grow, addressing this issue becomes increasingly important. We face significant challenges that will only become more difficult if we delay.” Funding from United Way of Central Iowa, Mid-Iowa Health Foundation and the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines will support short-term efforts. The initiative will focus on expanding summer employment and activity opportunities for youths and coordinating mentoring programs. The coalition seeks to engage local experts, secure additional funding, and promote community involvement in the endeavor.