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Scale DSM accelerator application deadline is May 14


The Scale DSM accelerator program is set to return for its second annual cohort, from June 13 to Dec. 12, aiming to assist minority-owned small businesses across Greater Des Moines to sustain growth. The program is tuition-free and targets minority-owned businesses with annual revenues ranging from $150,000 to $4 million, along with one full-time employee besides the owner, which have been in business for at least two years. Participants will undertake Interise’s internationally recognized StreetWise ‘MBA’ curriculum. Ryan Bhattacharyya, professor of practice in management and entrepreneurship at Iowa State University, will instruct the program. Applications close on May 14, and the program is sponsored by Wells Fargo. The 2022 cohort saw nine small business owners graduate from the program, representing a diverse range of industries.