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SCI Girls in Science recognizes two women for STEM achievement


The Science Center of Iowa recently honored two women as exemplifying SCI’s goal to empower and equip girls in science, technology, engineering and math. The SCI Girls in Science Scientist of the Year Award was presented to Kristin Vanderweil, an active SCI volunteer who has participated in many of the science center’s Girls in Science events including the Girls in Science Festival, Meals with Mentors and Science @ Your Site outreach. Vanderweil, a 2011 Iowa State University graduate with a degree in agricultural engineering, is a reliability engineer at the Flint Hills Resources Iowa Falls ethanol production facility. SCI also presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Yvette McCulley, a lifelong educator who recently retired from the Iowa Department of Education. During her career, McCulley spent more than 30 years as a classroom teacher and school administrator, served as a member of the Iowa Academy of Science and co-authored the Iowa STEM Strategic Roadmap.

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