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Siebert leads new area for Professional Solutions


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Have you received a lot of requests for this kind of insurance?

We have insured chiropractors, physicians, dentists, colleges, but it was all health care. But in doing that, we actually have a lot of relationships with law firms, have a better understanding of law firms than other professions, so it was a natural move for us, I think, if we wanted to move out of health care into a different area.

What have you been doing since February?

Most of my time has been spent focusing on developing the actual professional liability policy for law firms. A lot of time has been spent making sure that the policy we develop is going to meet the needs of those law firms. We’re also now beginning to move a little more into the marketing side. We’re going to be selling this through insurance brokers, so I’ve been starting to make contact with some brokers to get the word out about what we’re going to be doing.

Is it just you in the department?

Yes. We have a lot of in-house resources. We have a very strong compliance department with a lot of experience in professional liability. We have a great marketing team and underwriting team as well as sales team. So all the pieces are there; we just need to put this product together. We also have some experience from the past. We underwrote two large nationwide legal professional liability programs in recent years, so we actually have a lot of experience in that process and have learned what does and doesn’t work.

What is your career background?

I’ve been with NCMIC for 12 years. I’ve spent most of my time handling professional liability claims for all sorts of health-care providers. Before NCMIC, I worked for a large insurance services firm, also in claims.

Where did you graduate?

I went to the school of business at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. I actually took a position with that insurance services firm in Kansas City, received a promotion and then moved up to Des Moines. I thought it would be a temporary move, but I heard about this great insurance company, NCMIC, and wasn’t really looking for a job, but when I saw that there was an opening over here, I went ahead and interviewed for it. I was really blown away during the interview process by the benefits the company offered. So I went ahead and made the jump knowing that I probably wouldn’t get to go back to Kansas City, and I haven’t regretted that move since.

What are you most excited about in this new position?

It’s really exciting for me to come in and be on the ground level creating this new product and knowing that it’s going to really stand out in the marketplace. And it’s a new challenge obviously for me. Having a claims background gives me a unique perspective knowing on the back end what can happen. This way I can make sure they have the protection that they need on the front end.
Is there a specific vision for this new program?

We’re going to target eight states initially; Iowa is one of them. We’re going to do this because our service is known throughout the industry for being top-notch, and if we were to go out and launch this in 50 states, there was some concern that we may not be able to properly support it.

What do you like to do for fun?

I am married with two kids (sons, ages 7 and 1), so a lot of my time outside of the office is spent with them. I like to golf, be outdoors, read. Helping coach my son’s soccer team, I really enjoy that.

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